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Topical Philately Related to Mohandas K. Gandhi

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National Topical Stamp Show 2000

Organized by the American Topical Association

June 16-18, Convention Center, Buffalo, New York, USA.


Frames have been loaded as relatively large PDF files.  Page caching should assist in speeding up loading.  Note that text selection and printing have been disabled for the PDF files, which are password protected for these functions.

I am trying something new with the online copy. Believe this is the first for someone to actually load an entire exhibit "as-is"- using a standard browser supported format. To view the exhibit, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in for your web browser. If you don't have it, you can download it for free from Adobe.

Please forward comments on philatelic and thematic elements to my attention.  Appreciate any input on other appropriate material that I could use in place of or in addition to what I have already displayed.  This was quite a poor job, when one considers the standard rules of thematic exhibiting.  Hope that you can bear with me, this was my first attempt!

bulletIntroduction and Early Years
bulletParticipant in War, Entry into Politics
bulletPolitical Organizer & Negotiator
bulletArchitect of Civil Disobedience
bulletSocial Experiments, Partition & Assassination
bulletIndian Philatelic Memorial
bulletIndia After Gandhi
bulletLasting Impressions,
bulletAdmirers, Adherents and Inspiration
bulletLegacy, Conclusion
bulletJudges' Scoring Summary Sheet