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Jumhuriyat Misral Arabiyah- Postal History

Stamp issuing began in 1866.  Egypt had almost 40 post offices abroad (Turkey, Ethiopia, Greece, Sudan...) where only Egyptian stamps were used.  The last of these closed in 1881.  British, French, Italian, Austrian, Russian and Greek post offices were operating in Egyptian territory, particularly in Alexandria and Port Said.  British troops used special stamps (inscribed BRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT, ARMY POST EGYPT) valid in Great Britain, India, Australia and New Zealand.

Names on the stamps were in Arabic, often with a second language: Turkish (1866-72), Italian (POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE: 1872-79), French (POSTES ÉGYPTIENNES: 1879-1914), English (EGYPT POSTAGE: 1914-23), French (ROYAUME D' ÉGYPTE, POSTES D' ÉGYPTE, ÉGYPTE, REPUBLIQUE D' ÉGYPTE: 1925-56), English (EGYPT: 1957, UAR: 1958-71, A. R. EGYPT: 1971-76, EGYPT: 1976-).